Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yellow fingers - Calocera cornea

Scientific Name: Calocera cornea

Common Name: Yellow fingers

Group: Phragmobasidioycetes, most of them with gelatinous fruiting bodies, which have the ability to regenerate after drying by absorption of moisture.

Fruiting bodies: Cylindrical to awl-shaped, simple or rarely forked, 2-10 x 1-2mm

Habitat/Substrate: Common on well decayed branches and trunks

Photo by: Johari Jalinas

ID by: Johari Jalinas

Location: Faculty of Education Studies, UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.



1) Booth Courtenay, Harold H. Burdsall, Jr. 1982. A Field Guide to Mushrooms and Their Relatives.

2) Gerrit J. Keizer. 2007. The Complete Encylopedia of Mushrooms. Rebo Publsihers.


Mycena Sp.

Scientific Name: Mycena sp.

Group: Mycena

Cap: conical or campanulate to expanded, smooth, matt, translucent striate, whitish to pale-brown

Photo by: Johari Jalinas

Location: Taman Paku Pakis, UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan.



1) Booth Courtenay, Harold H. Burdsall, Jr. 1982. A Field Guide to Mushrooms and Their Relatives.

2) Gerrit J. Keizer. 2007. The Complete Encylopedia of Mushrooms. Rebo Publsihers

Friday, October 30, 2009

Spilt-Gill ( Schizophyllum commune)

Common Name: Split-Gill

Scientific Name: Schizophyllum commune

Cap: width ½ - 1 ½ “, gray in wet weather to white in dry; densely fine-hairy, irregular lobe fan, margin rolled back onto gills

Gills: Gray to white, double, separating in wet weather and closing in dry

Habitat/Substrate: Found scattered on dead hardwood or in crowded groups on live or deadwoods.

Photo by: Johari Jalinas

Location: Faculty of Forestry, UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan.



1) Booth Courtenay, Harold H. Burdsall, Jr. 1982. A Field Guide to Mushrooms and Their Relatives.

Jelly Fungi - Toothed Jelly

Common Name: Toothed Jelly

Group: Jelly Fungi

Description: Usually most conspicuous in wet or damp weather. They are decomposers of the wood on which most are found or of other organic debris. None is considered dangerous, but all are too small, tasteless, or ill-smelling to collect to eat.

Photo by: Johari Jalinas

Location: Air Terjun Sg Tekala, Semenyih, Selangor Darul Ehsan.



1) Booth Courtenay, Harold H. Burdsall, Jr. 1982. A Field Guide to Mushrooms and Their Relatives.